4 sure 6 ayet
Ayet Sure Sayfa Ara İndeks.
Nisa suresi 6. Ve men kane ganiyyen felyesta'fif, ve men kane fakiran felye'kul bil ma'ruf. Ve kefa billahi hasiba. Hesap sorucu olarak Allah yeter. Yetimleri deneyin. Hesab sorucu olarak Allah kafidir. Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament.
4 sure 6 ayet
Tur Ankebut If the guardian is well-off, Let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable.
Nisa suresi Allah'a kulluk edin. Allah'a kul olun. Anaya babaya iyilik edin. Allah'a ibadet edin. Ana-babaya da iyilik.
4 sure 6 ayet
Muhammed suresi 4. Allah dileseydi onlara galip gelirdi. Fakat kiminizi kiminizle denemek ister. Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament. If you encounter in war those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had GOD willed, He could have granted you victory, without war.
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Ankebut Nahl Cum'a Ayet Sure Sayfa Ara İndeks. You shall test the orphans when they reach puberty. Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament. Enbiya Kamer İsra Hucurat Felak Sure 1. Saffat Zuhruf
Enfal 9. Abese Whoever is rich, then let him not claim anything, and if he is poor then let him consume only properly. Fatiha 2. Ve kefa billahi hasiba. Tahrim Saf Hesap sorucu olarak Allah yeter. Zuhruf Munafikun Duhan Beyyine Zengin olan, iffetli olmaga calissin, yoksul olan uygun bir sekilde yesin.
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