3.5 wondrous items

This is a catch-all category for anything that isn't a ring, staff, rod, weapon, 3.5 wondrous items, et cetera. Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Wondrous items can be configured to do just about anything from create a breeze to improve ability scores.

Magic Wondrous Items with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Jump to: navigation , search. See text. Arms 1 lb. Categories : 3. Views Page Discussion View source History.

3.5 wondrous items

Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Usually use-activated or command word , but details vary from item to item. An 01 result indicates the wondrous item is intelligent, indicates that something a design, inscription, or the like provides a clue to its function, and indicates no special qualities. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes. This amulet is a golden disk on a chain. It usually bears the image of a lion or other powerful animal. This device usually appears to be a black circular amulet, although any character looking closely at it sees a dark, moving swirl of color. The amulet allows its wearer to utilize plane shift. However, this is a difficult item to master. The user must make a DC 15 Intelligence check in order to get the amulet to take her to the plane and the specific location on that plane that she wants. This silver amulet protects the wearer from scrying and magical location just as a nondetection spell does. This item appears to be a large, sealed iron barrel, but it has a secret catch Search DC 20 to locate that opens a hatch in one end.

Wondrous items can be configured to do just about anything from create a breeze to improve ability scores.

This site includes magic items from very many Paizo sources beyond just the core rulebooks. Scroll down to the bottom of this page or click here to see a complete listing. Wondrous items are varied and diverse. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be possessed and utilized. Anyone can use a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise. There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless.

To create magic items, spellcasters use special feats. Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal. For many items, the market price equals the base price. Armor, shields, weapons, and items with a value independent of their magically enhanced properties add their item cost to the market price. The item cost does not influence the base price which determines the cost of magic supplies and the experience point cost , but it does increase the final market price.

3.5 wondrous items

From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. A'dam gp Held and Throat A collar and a bracelet, for keeping a Channeler of saidar as a pet. Absolutely Safe Canopy gp - An immobile seating area with overhang that protects its occupants by sealing them away. Beware not to become trapped. Acacite Heartstone Amulet gp Neck A platinum necklace with a rare magical gemstone, previously owned by a hag. However it is only limited to a very specific shape.

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Both gauntlets must be worn for the magic to be effective. Shocking robe. The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1. Although expensive, they are commonly found in the prisons of metropolitan cities that are used to dealing with high-level troublemakers. Crystal ball with detect thoughts. Spells such as alarm, fire trap , and glyph of warding , respond to verbal passwords. This cloud also lasts for 1 minute. Dust of dryness. Arrow magnet. Use activation is generally straightforward and self-explanatory. Stone cloak, major. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast.

This is a catch-all category for anything that isn't a ring, staff, rod, weapon, et cetera. Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Wondrous items can be configured to do just about anything from create a breeze to improve ability scores.

Crystal ball with see invisibility. This duration need not be continuous. The horn's type determines what barbarians are summoned and what prerequisite is needed to use the horn. Life link badge. These shackles have golden runes traced across their cold iron surface. Mask of the Witch Doctor. Crown of swords. A horn of the tritons can do any one of the following functions when blown:. All magic is lost, its power departed. Circlet of Blasting, Major. If both of the pair are sounded, all creatures within feet with the exception of those within a foot-radius safe zone around the drums are affected as by a fear spell Will DC 16 partial.

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