13 reasons why pareja gay

13 reasons why pareja gay

November 3, Gay Education. The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has been both praised and criticized for its handling of sensitive topics like sexual assault and suicide. One of the most controversial aspects of the show is its portrayal of the character Tyler Down, who is gay.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for season three of 13 Reasons Why. Liberty High bad boy, Montgomery de la Cruz played by Timothy Granaderos is no stranger to conflict; mostly with those around him, but sometimes even with himself. His story in the latest season of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why takes quite the interesting twist. While Clay and Ani are off trying to solve a murder , Monty is left struggling with his sexuality. We feel Monty's inner conflict after one-thing-leads-to-another with Bryce Walker's wealthy peer, Winston, at another "rich kid party," as he describes it.

13 reasons why pareja gay

October 31, Gay Education. So, if we assume that the population of the world is 7. There has been much speculation about the sexuality of the characters on 13 Reasons Why. For example, Tyler Down is shown taking photos of other boys in the shower, and Clay Jensen is shown crushing on Hannah Baker. Timothy Granaderos, who plays Montgomery de la Cruz in this play, is a half-Filipino and half-Cherokee. It is obvious that Monty is bisexual, and his rage and violence can be attributed to his sexuality. As a result, he lashes out in horrible ways because he lacks the confidence to be himself. There are a lot of unanswered questions in this plot. A character who was wrongfully accused of murder was killed in the film 13 Reasons Why and later died in jail.

Tony was not raised by a traditional family, preferring to experiment with girls from a young age and discover he was gay later in life. Clay Jensen and Justin are forced together by tragedy and hate.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. When Justin flips through the mail, tossing bills and junk into corresponding piles, and sees the unmistakable handwriting staring back at him, his breath gets caught in his throat. In the world of Netflix's hit series "13 Reasons Why," what if there was another reason?

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. The actor, who played Winston on the controversial Netflix teen drama, talks to Out about what the series is leaving behind. The fourth and final season of Netflix's teen drama series 13 Reasons Why aired this summer, and although it leaves a controversial and complicated legacy behind it , the show did bring a lot of difficult and hard topics that many young, queer people face to the forefront in ways that are still very seldom seen on television. See on Instagram. So the final season of the series is always bittersweet. Do you have a favorite memory from your days on the 13 Reasons Why set, and how much are you going to miss your time on the show?

13 reasons why pareja gay

One character in particular who seems to have caught viewers' attention is Alex Standall Miles Heizer , and how much he has progressed throughout the four instalments. In season four, Alex explores his sexuality and comes out as gay, dating not one but two guys throughout the batch of episodes. After gaining help from close friend Zach Dempsey Ross Butler for his rehabilitation throughout seasons two and three following his suicide attempt, Alex took the chance and tried to kiss him. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. You can unsubscribe at any time. Although he was rejected, Zach remained close and supportive while Alex went on to date Winston Williams Deaken Bluman before eventually finding happiness with Charlie St. George Tyler Barnhardt. The main triumph for him is how comfortable he is with himself and his sexuality - something his fans on Twitter were quick to praise. Previously, Alex was responsible for the main drama of season three when he was revealed as Bryce Walker's Justin Prentice killer.


He is drawn to homophobia in part due to his deep sense of self-hatred and in part because of his own internalized homophobia. Almost as if maybe this could be a fresh start for him? As we delve into the story of "14 Reasons Why," we begin to unravel the tangled web of lies and betrayal that ultimately led to Hannah's suicide. He is shown in the show as a strong and brave leader who does not care what people think of him or his family, even if they do. Clay Jensen is fresh out of the hospital after a suicide attempt on his fifteenth birthday. Violet King had it all. His arrest in the murder of Bryce Walker was a result of a series of events. Clay and his parents wrap their heads around what's about to come, but with a heavy heart. He knows he can die in the presence of a family, who loves him. In the second season, he once again blackmailed people who simply did not deserve to be supported. No father in sight. Yorkey has said that he drew from his own experiences as a gay teenager when creating the character. After sexually assaulting Tyler at the end of season 2, Monty was sentenced to prison. James unexpectedly finds out that he is mentioned on one of these tapes, which would have been better buried with the young man.


Long slender hands held pale hips, his blue eyes shying away from her dark predatory gaze, he was pathetic, and Jessica loved it. Log In. It's something Justin has accepted. A revelation his dad doesn't take too lightly. Clay Jensen claims to Tony Padilla that he believes he is gay. This is the reason why Monty has been repressed for so long. He is also shown to be a good friend to Hannah and is very protective of her. They had a daughter, Diana, with whom they married. Gay Education. Clay is shown to be a loving and supportive boyfriend who is willing to stand by Tony in spite of the odds. Covid has struck a cord among adolescent viewers who engage in empathy behaviors after watching the show. In the second season, he once again blackmailed people who simply did not deserve to be supported.

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