12529 train
Please enter a train number!!! It is important to frequently keep checking rly 12529 train table for any changes during the entire year.
The Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train covers a total distance of kilometers. The average speed of the Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train is The entire train journey takes 10h 50m in total. Due to the current times amid the pandemic, the final chart preparation of the Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train is prepared hours before the real train departure time. What is the total distance covered by Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train?
12529 train
Station Scheduled Time Actual Delay. No Delay. Find more Patna to Lucknow trains. It is a superfast train and covers a distance of kms in 10 hr 5 min. It has 90 halts. This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car. Final chart for is prepared usually hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning. The average delay of is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days. Train running status feature enables passenger to know the live delay information of trains as per the NTES data. This feature is very important because sometimes trains under Indian Railways are as late as 12 hours. During winter a lot of trains run late in northern India due to dense fog. Trainman also tells the intermediate stations between all pair of stopping stations with distance and expected crossing time, therefore it becomes really easy for user to pinpoint the current train location. For stations where train is yet to arrive one can know the expected arrival time considering the current delay. Further passenger can enquire about cancelled and diverted trains on Trainman running status page similar to the railway enquiry site.
It is important to frequently keep checking rly time table for any changes during the entire year, 12529 train. Train running status feature enables passenger to know the live delay information of trains as per the NTES data. Source
Please enter a train number!!! It is important to frequently keep checking rly time table for any changes during the entire year. Trains can arrive at a station earlier than the scheduled arrival time as per Indian railway time table, but per strict rules they cannot depart earlier than the scheduled departure time as prescribed in Indian train time table. Trains may or may not halt at a station as per the scheduled halt time as prescribed in the railway time table. In other words, trains can depart from a station before the scheduled halt time as per the railway timetable - provided they are not leaving the station before the scheduled departure time as per the railway time table. In multiple stoppage sections of the train, train time table has substantial time buffer included as part of train schedule time table. This allows train to recover time if running in a delayed fashion. Travelers are suggested to double check. To check the updated time table of Ppta Ljn Sf Express: 1.
12529 train
The Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train covers a total distance of kilometers. The average speed of the Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train is The entire train journey takes 10h 50m in total. Due to the current times amid the pandemic, the final chart preparation of the Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train is prepared hours before the real train departure time. What is the total distance covered by Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train? The total distance covered by Patliputra Lucknow Sf Express train is kilometers.
Synonyms for expressing
Train no. UA UA. Train Time Table. Uttar Pradesh. The arrival time of the train is hours. Gorakhpur Jn GKP km day 1 9 intermediate stations. In other words, trains can depart from a station before the scheduled halt time as per the railway timetable - provided they are not leaving the station before the scheduled departure time as per the railway time table. Now you can view Saraighat Express train details and journey time table. A Not at all! In multiple stoppage sections of the train, train time table has substantial time buffer included as part of train schedule time table.
You can conveniently check the exact no. Day 1. You can quick book your special train tickets with RailYatri. A RailYatri is one of the fastest sources to get you the correct information on platform number and train time arrival. Gonda Jn GD km day 1 18 intermediate stations. My Trips. Travelers are suggested to double check. My Trips. Basti BST km day 1 13 intermediate stations. Gonda Jn GD.
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