They are based on the beliefs of Orphism, a mystery cult or religious philosophy which claimed descent from the teachings of the mythical hero Orpheus, ترانيم. The Hymns of Orpheus. Translated ترانيم Taylor, Thomas
The hymns are "Homeric" in the sense that they employ the same epic meter— dactylic hexameter —as the Iliad and Odyssey , use many similar formulas and are couched in the same dialect. While the modern scholarly consensus is that they were not written during the lifetime of Homer himself, they were uncritically attributed to him in antiquity—from the earliest written reference to them, Thucydides iii. Verrall noted in , [1] "that is to say, it has come down labeled as 'Homer' from the earliest times of Greek book-literature. The oldest of the hymns were probably written in the seventh century BC, somewhat later than Hesiod and the usually accepted date for the writing down of the Homeric epics. This still places the older Homeric Hymns among the oldest monuments of Greek literature ; but although most of them were composed in the seventh and sixth centuries, a few may be Hellenistic , and the Hymn to Ares might be a late pagan work, inserted when it was observed that a hymn to Ares was lacking. The hymns to Helios and Selene are also thought to have been composed a bit later than the others, but earlier than the one to Ares. The hymns, which must be the remains of a once more strongly represented genre, vary widely in length, some being as brief as three or four lines, while others are in excess of five hundred lines.
Come, blessed father, to ترانيم rites attend, and grant our happy lives a prosp'rous end. To Persephone
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten and children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow I'm dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright nd may all your Christmases be white I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, Just like the ones I used to know May your days be merry and bright nd may all your Christmases be white I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright nd may all your Christmases be white May your days be merry and bright nd may all your Christmases be white May your days be merry and bright nd may all your Christmases be white nd may all your Christmases be white all your Christmases be white nd may all your Christmases be white all your Christmases be white nd may all your Christmases be white all your Christmases be white nd may all your Christmases be ll your Christmases be white ll your Christmases be white. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. George Duffield. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing sleighing song tonight.
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Come, Bacchanalian, blessed power draw near, fanatic Pan, thy humble suppliant hear, Propitious to these holy rites attend, and grant my life may meet a prosp'rous end; Drive panic Fury too, wherever found, from human kind, to earth's remotest bound. Agile and vig'rous, venerable Sun, fiery and bright around the heav'ns you run. True serpent-horned Jove [Zeus], whose dreadful rage when rous'd, 'tis hard for mortals to asswage. To the Charites Graces Great Heav'n [Ouranos], whose mighty frame no respite knows, father of all, from whom the world arose: Hear, bounteous parent, source and end of all, forever whirling round this earthly ball; Abode of Gods, whose guardian pow'r surrounds th' eternal World with ever during bounds; Whose ample bosom and encircling folds the dire necessity of nature holds. To the Horae Seasons Thine is the talk to loose the virgin's zone, and thou in ev'ry work art seen and known. By thee transmuted Ceres' [Deo's] body pure, became a dragon's savage and obscure: Avert thy anger, hear me when I pray, and by fix'd fate, drive fancy's fears away. To Silenus, Satyr, Bacchae To Athena Article Talk. London: Penguin Books. Hear me, O Goddess, when to thee I pray, with supplicating voice both night and day, And in my latest hour, peace and health, propitious times, and necessary wealth, And, ever present, be thy vot'ries aid, O, much implor'd, art's parent, blue eyed maid. To Nephelae Clouds
Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries. With flames significant of Fate ye shine, and aptly rule for men a path divine. Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]: A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide, and orgies singing round thy throne to ride: Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green. The cooling gales thy pow'r alone inspires, which nourish life, which ev'ry life desires. Thee shepherds, streams of water, goats rejoice, thou lov'st the chace, and Echo's secret voice: The sportive nymphs, thy ev'ry step attend, and all thy works fulfill their destin'd end. Sudden, unconquer'd, holy, thund'ring God, 'with noise unbounded, flying all abroad; With all-devouring force, entire and strong, horrid, untam'd, thou roll'st the flames along. To Rhea To Hypnus Sleep Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horn'd nam'd, emitting whistling winds thro' Syrinx fam'd; Since to thy care, the figur'd seal's consign'd, which stamps the world with forms of ev'ry kind. Translated by Cashford, Jules. With holy voice I call the stars [Astron] on high, pure sacred lights and genii of the sky. Self-born, with primogenial fires you shine, and various names and strength of heart are thine.
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